Need Actors for Upcoming Radio Dramas

This December, we’ll be teaming up with WBHF and the Grand Theatre to perform two radio dramas, which will be broadcast several times throughout the month. We’ll be tackling two classics: A Christmas Carol and It’s a Wonderful Life, both of which should be familiar to ACT I alumni! These versions are written for the radio, each under an hour in length, and we’re very excited to be able to offer them this holiday season.

We’re looking for a ton of extra voices, so we’d love to include as many of our ACT I family as possible! Ages 7+ are welcome, and you can join in even if you’ve never been with us before. Please visit the link at the end to sign up. Sign ups will close on November 7th.

We’ll be recording these shows the week of November 9th-13th and wrapping up the recordings at the beginning of the week that follows. This timeline will let us make sure they can be edited and ready to go by December 1st! That said, there’s a lot of flexibility, and we can probably work around the schedules of anyone who is interested!

We’d love to have you!
