Given the ongoing COVID-19 situation, we're going to postpone Into the Woods until we have a good grasp on a timeline for performing it. We're still hoping to be able to mount the show this summer, but it may be a future season depending on the timeline of this pandemic.

Regardless, we do not feel it's a good idea to do auditions when we have so many uncertainties! We also have two additional shows that are currently up in the balance.

As soon as we're able to host auditions, we'll post a new event! Thank you for understanding, and we hope you'll still be interested and available when the time is right!

Keep an eye out at the beginning of April -- we're planning to release our new season at that time.

Also, keep in mind that:

  • During this time, our Board is working to deep clean & sanitize the studio.

  • We’ve also decided to postpone our upcoming shows: The Ugly Duckling and Law & Order: Fairy Tale Unit.

  • We’re planning a social distancing storytelling activity! If you want to take part, let us know! It’ll include making small videos to help further a story along. Comment on our Facebook POST if you’re interested!

Thank you!
