The Crucible Auditions postponed

Due to the holidays and a local pandemic spike, we’re going to postpone The Crucible by a few months to a position later in the season. Thank you to those of you who signed up to audition! Please keep your eye out for new audition information later this season! And remember you can still sign up for Tuck Everlasting auditions!

Summerween Cancelled

2020 has been a tough year for live performances. Sadly, our Summerween Weekend isn’t going to be able to happen. However, we will record both shows, hopefully in November, and present them virtually as soon as possible! We’ll keep pressing on and doing what we can to bring you quality entertainment!

Best wishes to you all and thank you for your continued support!

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Social Distancing & Season Updates!

We hope you’re hanging in there! Here are a few updates from our end. We’re hoping to give you more definite information on our shows at the end of next week, but we’ll be here posting on social media in the meantime!

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